Rawand Farhad
Software Engineer, Freelancer

Hi! I’m Rawand Farhad, a software engineer from Iraqi Kurdistan 🌊 since 2012, with lots of experience in the tech industry.

On my free time I write about tech and non tech stuff, you can check my tech related articles at!


  • Distributed Systems
  • Machine Learning


University of Human Development
2014 - 2018
B.Sc. Computer Science
First of class.


For more details please check my LinkedIn :)
Finding And Reporting Missing People With AI/ML
Ella: a smart chatbot built using Microsoft's BotBuilder, LUIS and Azure with KnowledgeFlow as it's source of knowledge
eDoctor: all in one doctor management system.
iPlant: Android application used to track plant growth/development and the ability to get info about the plants too with a good looking UI.
Toferba: a multiplatform application developed using flash technologies which is used to learn the Kurdish alphabet and its pronunciation.